
Port Knocking Sequence Discovery Scanner

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Port Knocking Sequence Discovery Scanner

alt text

Dedicated to Ron Jeremy ! Thank you dude !

Full documentation are available here.


  • Scan any host to discover hidden sequence (brute force).
  • Send sequence on specified host like a simple port knocking client.
  • Testing Server embedded (docker image) included: firewall reject all connections, ssh server running, port knocking daemon running.

Current production release

Porno-king v0.2.2


Classical installation

$ git clone
$ cd porno-king
$ python install

Development installation

$ git clone
$ cd porno-king
$ git checkout origin/development
$ pyvenv . # You can also use virtualenv it's work
$ source bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
$ python develop
$ # Now you can develop and use `$ porn <command>` directly in your shell


Brute force mode to discover an hidden sequence

$ # Scan function help
$ porn scan --help
$ porn scan [PORTS]... [HOST]
$ # Example for scanning localhost with sequence 11 12 13
$ porn scan 11 12 13

Simple port knocking client mode for sending sequence

$ porn knock 11 12 13

You can also specify protocole to use (TCP/UDP) with each ports Example:

$ porn scan 7000:tcp 8000:udp 9000:tcp

If protocole is not specified on port TCP are used by default. If port to test during a scan with the option -p is not specified port 22 (SSH) is tested by default.

Embedded server

Start the embedded server and test your development on it:

$ cd server
$ docker build -t porno-king-server .
$ docker run --privileged porno-king-server
$ # get the ip address of the porno-king-server
$ docker inspect porno-king-server # retrieve IP on command output
$ # suppose IP is equal to
$ porn scan 7000 8000 9000

You can also use this server to play and discover port-knocking mechanism

Embedded server open sequence

7000 8000 9000

Embedded server close sequence

9000 8000 7000

Roadmap (Next features)

  • Publish porno-king on Pypi
  • Publish porno-king-server on docker hub
  • Provide sequence/host storage in local sqlite database


Authors: Mh@cKGyv3R