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Android Serial (200 pts)

CTF : THC 2018


Challenge description

APK file :

A commercial Android application for the THC was developed. Unfortunately, its developement has been stopped. The application was never released, but be the first to unlock its premium features by finding a valid key.

Warning: The flag is not in the format THC{…}


In first time, we’re going to decompile the android application THC.apk (The lazy way is to use an online APK decompiler :, it permits to decompile APK to Java). But we could to use too, JADX (Command line and GUI tools for produce Java source code from Android Dex and Apk files), thanks to the following command line

jdx -d Serial_Android THC.apk

In all producted files, we are only interrested by (where the serial number is checked) :

package com.thc.bestpig.serial;

import android.annotation.TargetApi;
import android.content.DialogInterface;
import android.content.DialogInterface.OnClickListener;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.InputFilter;
import android.text.InputFilter.AllCaps;
import android.text.InputFilter.LengthFilter;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import com.thc.bestpig.test.R;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    class C02201 implements OnClickListener {
        C02201() {

        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {
            MainActivity.this.startActivity(new Intent(MainActivity.this.getApplicationContext(), PremiumActivity.class));

    class C02212 implements OnClickListener {
        C02212() {

        public void onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which) {

    protected boolean validateSerial(String serial) {
        if (serial.length() == 19 && serial.charAt(4) == '-' && serial.charAt(9) == '-' && serial.charAt(14) == '-' && serial.charAt(5) == serial.charAt(6) + 1 && serial.charAt(5) == serial.charAt(18) && serial.charAt(1) == (serial.charAt(18) % 4) * 22 && ((serial.charAt(3) * serial.charAt(15)) / serial.charAt(17)) - 1 == serial.charAt(10) && serial.charAt(10) == serial.charAt(1) && serial.charAt(13) == serial.charAt(10) + 5 && serial.charAt(10) == serial.charAt(5) - 9 && (serial.charAt(0) % serial.charAt(7)) * serial.charAt(11) == 1440 && (serial.charAt(2) - serial.charAt(8)) + serial.charAt(12) == serial.charAt(10) - 9 && (serial.charAt(3) + serial.charAt(12)) / 2 == serial.charAt(16) && (serial.charAt(0) - serial.charAt(2)) + serial.charAt(3) == serial.charAt(12) + 15 && serial.charAt(3) == serial.charAt(13) && serial.charAt(16) == serial.charAt(0) && serial.charAt(7) + 1 == serial.charAt(2) && serial.charAt(15) + 1 == serial.charAt(11) && serial.charAt(11) + 3 == serial.charAt(17) && serial.charAt(7) + 20 == serial.charAt(6)) {
            return true;
        return false;

    protected boolean checkPassword(String serial) {
        if (validateSerial(serial)) {
            new Builder(this).setTitle((CharSequence) "Well done ;)").setMessage((CharSequence) "You can now validate this challenge.\n\nThe flag is the serial").setCancelable(false).setNeutralButton((CharSequence) "Ok", new C02201()).show();
            return true;
        new Builder(this).setTitle((CharSequence) "Premium activation failed").setMessage((CharSequence) "Please don't try random serial, buy a legit premium license to support developers.").setCancelable(false).setNeutralButton((CharSequence) "Ok", new C02212()).show();
        return false;

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        setContentView((int) R.layout.activity_main);
        getSupportActionBar().setLogo((int) R.mipmap.ic_launcher);
        final EditText editText = (EditText) findViewById(;
        editText.setFilters(new InputFilter[]{new AllCaps(), new LengthFilter(19)});
        ((Button) findViewById( View.OnClickListener() {
            public void onClick(View v) {

The following condition verify the serial number :

 if (serial.length() == 19 && serial.charAt(4) == '-' && serial.charAt(9) == '-' && serial.charAt(14) == '-' && serial.charAt(5) == serial.charAt(6) + 1 && serial.charAt(5) == serial.charAt(18) && serial.charAt(1) == (serial.charAt(18) % 4) * 22 && ((serial.charAt(3) * serial.charAt(15)) / serial.charAt(17)) - 1 == serial.charAt(10) && serial.charAt(10) == serial.charAt(1) && serial.charAt(13) == serial.charAt(10) + 5 && serial.charAt(10) == serial.charAt(5) - 9 && (serial.charAt(0) % serial.charAt(7)) * serial.charAt(11) == 1440 && (serial.charAt(2) - serial.charAt(8)) + serial.charAt(12) == serial.charAt(10) - 9 && (serial.charAt(3) + serial.charAt(12)) / 2 == serial.charAt(16) && (serial.charAt(0) - serial.charAt(2)) + serial.charAt(3) == serial.charAt(12) + 15 && serial.charAt(3) == serial.charAt(13) && serial.charAt(16) == serial.charAt(0) && serial.charAt(7) + 1 == serial.charAt(2) && serial.charAt(15) + 1 == serial.charAt(11) && serial.charAt(11) + 3 == serial.charAt(17) && serial.charAt(7) + 20 == serial.charAt(6))

Find a string to solve all those conditions without any tools is a bit complicaticated (except for Fiora ;) ), thus we chose to use the famous solver Z3 in its python version Z3Py. We converted all conditions into Z3 conditions :

Our dirty python script (with love)

#Team mhackgyver
#THC 2018

from z3 import *

#Declare the Solver used by Z3 and the Array of Int which representing the serial number
tab=Array('tab',I, I)

#Add constraints to our solver
#serial.charAt(4) == '-' && serial.charAt(9) == '-' && serial.charAt(14) == '-' 
s.add(tab[4] == ord('-'))
s.add(tab[9] == ord('-'))
s.add(tab[14] == ord('-'))
#serial.charAt(5) == serial.charAt(6) + 1 
s.add(tab[5] == tab[6] + 1)
#serial.charAt(5) == serial.charAt(18) 
s.add(tab[5] == tab[18])
#erial.charAt(1) == (serial.charAt(18) % 4) * 22 
s.add(tab[1] == ( tab[18] % 4) * 22 )
#((serial.charAt(3) * serial.charAt(15)) / serial.charAt(17)) - 1 == serial.charAt(10) 
s.add(((tab[3] * tab[15]) / tab[17]) - 1 == tab[10] )
# serial.charAt(10) == serial.charAt(1) 
s.add(tab[10] == tab[1] )
# serial.charAt(13) == serial.charAt(10) + 5 
s.add(tab[13] == tab[10] + 5 )
# serial.charAt(10) == serial.charAt(5) - 9 
s.add(tab[10] == tab[5] - 9)
#(serial.charAt(0) % serial.charAt(7)) * serial.charAt(11) == 1440 
#s.add((mod(first[1],second[3]))* third[2] == 1440 )
s.add((tab[0] % tab[7])* tab[11] == 1440 )
# (serial.charAt(2) - serial.charAt(8)) + serial.charAt(12) == serial.charAt(10) - 9 
s.add( (tab[2] - tab[8]) + tab[12] == tab[10] - 9)
# (serial.charAt(3) + serial.charAt(12)) / 2 == serial.charAt(16) 
s.add((tab[3] + tab[12]) / 2 == tab[16])
# (serial.charAt(0) - serial.charAt(2)) + serial.charAt(3) == serial.charAt(12) + 15
s.add((tab[0] - tab[2]) + tab[3] == tab[12] + 15)
# serial.charAt(3) == serial.charAt(13)
s.add(tab[3] == tab[13])
# serial.charAt(16) == serial.charAt(0) 
s.add(tab[16] == tab[0] )
# serial.charAt(7) + 1 == serial.charAt(2)
s.add(tab[7] + 1 == tab[2])
# serial.charAt(15) + 1 == serial.charAt(11) 
s.add(tab[15] + 1 == tab[11])
# serial.charAt(11) + 3 == serial.charAt(17)
s.add(tab[11] + 3 == tab[17])
#serial.charAt(7) + 20 == serial.charAt(6))
s.add(tab[7] + 20 == tab[6])

# Verify and solve our model 

#Retrieving the model to exploit results 

#Retrieving all solutions from the model and converting from the ASCII Code into ASCII char
for j in range(19):
#Print the serial number (HB7G-KJ6G-BPIG-OHSK)


The flag was HB7G-KJ6G-BPIG-OHSK